Subliminal Weight Loss
How To Lose Weight Without Suffering
The subliminal weight loss session is meant to program your subconscious mind to get rid of these sabotaging paradigms once and for all. This digital tape will help you embrace new settings of self-belief and a strong sense that you can do anything you set your mind to.
- Reach your ideal body weight
- Maintain your desirable weight successfully
- Enjoy the weight loss progress
- Be confident you can lose weight
- Have fun with it
Subliminal Technology For Weight Loss That Works
“Losing weight is difficult”, “I always fail at anything I do”, “I am afraid to lose my self-identity if I lose weight”, “I was always overweight; why would it ever change?”
These statements are just a tiny fraction of the belief system that many of you have regarding weight loss.
This is the negative talk that resides within you and prevents you from getting the body you always wanted.
How many times have you felt you’re on the right track towards weight loss but, after a short while, found yourself in a feeding frenzy at 3 am?
How many times have you started the weight loss process full of excitement, but reached a brick wall that blocked you from bursting through your own limits?
How much more frustration can you take when you lose 20 pounds but ruin it all in a few days with uncontrollable eating?
Losing Weight Is Hard – Is It True?
Yes, losing weight is hard. It is hard because you believe that it is. You see, the secret is not about finding the perfect fat-burning formula or the best trainer who will shout at you to keep going on the treadmill.
If you suffer from excessive weight and do not seem to keep it off, this is a sign that you carry limiting beliefs that losing weight involves suffering. Your perceptions are the hidden wall that separates you and your ideal weight.
The subliminal program can shatter these ineffective patterns that impede your weight loss efforts and instill excitement, eagerness, and a passion for healthy living, healthy foods, and exercising.
Your Healthy Living Views
The problem is that many times your beliefs associate a healthy lifestyle and suffering or giving up the yummy stuff. You will hear the voices of that little monster inside that convinces you that greasy pizza will make you happy.
For that reason, a profound paradigm shift is the best way to reach your ideal weight and maintain it.
From my experience, subliminal whispers are the ultimate and most effective way to break free of the automated toxic inner chatter loop.
Searching for excuses not to do it
Imagine that you work at a job you hate. You get triggered with anxiety every morning when the alarm goes off. You are terrified by the thought that you have eight or more hours to pass in a place you truly dislike.
But what if you loved what you do or your work environment? How would you feel during the day? Would you enjoy going there? Of course you would! The same goes for weight loss.
Because you are conditioned to associate weight loss practices with boredom and annoyance, you will not enjoy the process; you will also resent it and look for exit signs.
Willpower is never the answer
To truly succeed in the weight loss journey, it is imperative to maintain your level of exhilaration. However, you cannot do it by forcing yourself to think it’s fun.
Therefore, willpower never was and never will be the answer to weight loss (or any other objective). It sticks only short-term and dissipates completely as your motivation dries up.
Let the momentum begin
The only factor that can pull you into emotional momentum for a while is to establish rock-solid empowering beliefs regarding your ability to make things happen and eat right and work out.
Your automatic thoughts such as “I am repulsive”, “I don’t deserve to feel good about my weight” and “working out is my biggest nightmare” bring about senses of shame, guilt, self-judgment, and disappointment.
My weight loss session aims to make a positive “switch” in the statements you tell yourself every day and embed them in your brain. This way, you will change your inner negative talk about yourself and your weight.
The weight loss mental training suggestions are designed to help you develop the positive thinking of a healthy person who’s committed to their well-being.
Shortly after exposing your brain to the weight loss medication, you will feel and behave differently! Suddenly you will not believe that working out is such a burden, and you will naturally find the sports that fit your needs!
You will effortlessly be guided by your higher-self to find an activity that gets you excited each time.
It could be snowboarding, hiking, tennis, yoga, rock climbing or even running by the lake. Your instincts will lead you to cook healthy and tasty recipes that agree with your body.
You might even find yourself happily leaning towards consuming veggies like broccoli and kale and other foods with nutritional values and discover creative ways to turn them into delicious meals.
The power of subliminal messages
Subliminal messages are positive hidden suggestions. They bypass your hearing threshold and your natural cynical resistance to new ideas that contradict your current settings.
Think about it: if you were to hear spoken affirmations like “I love and accept my body right now”, what emotions would come up? Probably contempt, aversion, anger, and a feeling of “this is nonsense, I don’t believe this”.
This is exactly what makes subliminal programming a super powerful method because it is tricking your consciousness and reaching directly to your subconscious without any inner force blocking it.
How to use
The weight loss mp3 includes affirmations regarding your self-belief, loving yourself, eating healthy, and exercising.
Three essential insights before you embark on this journey!
You cannot reach a better state from a low state
As you hate your body or are disgusted with your appearance, your emotional starting point vibrates negative energy.
When you approach weight loss from a whole place of self-love and acceptance, you can expand this emotional state and push this progress forward.
The reality will have to match itself to the vibration you’re offering. Then, suddenly, you will find a diet that is working perfectly for you, an activity you genuinely enjoy, connections with supportive people, and more.
In other words, you need to be the thing you want to be. So if you want to feel good about your looks, feel it now, before your physical reality has been altered.
The weight loss audio will help you cultivate this mentality, but it is crucial that you clearly understand this concept before you begin.
Set your goals before listening
Decide on a specific weight you wish to reach. It’s recommended that you commit to yourself to reach your ideal weight.
Repetition is the key to success as it physically rewires your neural connections! Persistence is the only way to embrace empowering paradigms regarding belief in yourself (“you can do it”) and changing your approach towards healthy foods and exercise.
Repetition will build and strengthen your neural muscles.
It’s like going to the gym – you can’t expect to have a six-pack after a week of showing up. It takes time, commitment, and understanding that repetition makes all the difference.
Listen to the weight loss recording every day and night for four weeks to 90 days, or until you notice clear results. Then, use it when needed to boost your enthusiasm and fortify your neural pathways.
When and where should I listen to this
Using the subliminal weight loss is super easy and does not require experience.
You can listen day and night. There is no time limit. Headphones are not a must, but I recommend using them to maximize results.
Simply play it during the day (when you don’t perform tasks that require focus), while browsing Facebook, answering emails, cooking, or even when taking a bubble bath.
If the meditation gets you out of focus at work due to the calming background music, find another time to play it.
At night, allow yourself to fall asleep with it at a comfy volume level that will not wake you up. From now on, you will turn each night’s sleep into an eight-hour personal development seminar!
Imagine what it will do to your brain to regularly absorb empowering messages.
Download now to experience a new Weight Loss approach. Your dream weight can turn into reality.
Single Download
EDITH MOSCOWITZ // The Voice Of The Vortex
Edith Moscowitz is the founder of Vortex-Success. The Vortex-Success project has established itself as the best formula available today for subliminal messages and subconscious paradigms shifting. My recordings have touched the lives of more than 10 million people world-wide. CONTINUE READING

Unleash the Full Power of Your Brain and Break Free of Every Inner Limitation

Your results in life reflect your subconscious beliefs
Does it often seem like you are surrounded by invisible walls that limit your life to mediocrity? No matter what you do, you can’t break out. Meanwhile, other people bring wealth, health and happiness to their lives. Frustrating, isn’t it? But where you are now – is NOT your fault. It’s years of programming – predominantly the first 5 or 6 years of your life – that builds your deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs.
Don’t Change Your Circumstances – Change Your Mindset
Your faulty negative programming you absorbed as a child, limit and control your adult life. You know, the voices that say you are not worthy, less important than others, and not deserving of good things. The programming that keeps you broke and envy the rich. Most people try to change their results, but their subconscious minds simply block these efforts. The only way to get rid of unwanted habits and sabotaging beliefs is to change the programming.

The Ultimate Personal Development System
Imagine what it feels like if you had everything in your life you truly desired? How would it feel to be confident and self-assured? Attracting opportunities and actually act on them without being paralyzed by fear? Have the exact same mindset of successful people? If you are concerned to make that leap, ask yourself - how much longer do you want things to go on exactly as they are right now? Subliminal messages can change virtually any aspect of your life.
Finally, an Easy and Powerful Subliminal Messages Formula to Drive Huge Results, FAST

Precise Brainwave Entrainment
Every mind training that includes Binaural Beats or Isochronic Tones has the exact frequencies that are related to the subject of the session.

Powerful Subliminal Messages
The subliminal suggestions are specially designed & formulated to reach the deepest subconscious level, inspire you and stimulate fast results.

Paradigm Shifting Sessions
The revolutionary combination of empowering visual/MP3 subliminal messages with brainwave entrainment is by far the best tool to shift your fixated subconscious paradigms.
This track has both 'I' and 'you' affirmations.For example: "I am confident" and "you are confident"
- I’m reaching my ideal weight easily
- Being physically fit is my top priority, I love it
- I’m a health conscious individual
- My soul is evolved and at constant growth
- I love exercising and eating healthy
- It is completely safe for me to be healthy and in shape
- I’m feeding my body with the healthiest nutrients
- I love getting fitter and healthier
- I’m passionate about being a healthy and fit
- I’m a winner, I achieve anything I set my mind to
- I believe in myself and my abilities to stay fit
- Being fit and healthy is an integral part of my life style
- My digestive system functions perfectly fine and helps me maintain my ideal weight
- My metabolic system works with perfect harmony with the rest of my body cells
- I choose to love and accept myself now
- Loving myself enables me to make big changes
- Loving myself allows me to manifest my desires and passions
- My body knows exactly how to maintain its ideal weight
- I have the exclusive authority to approve myself
- I approve myself
- It’s easy for me to make healthy choices
- My subconscious is wired to love being healthy and in best shape
- I am feeling the amazing personal changes I’m going through
- My body is healing
- I take responsibility for my body weight
- I joyfully embrace healthy mind patterns about food
- I joyfully allow myself to make healthy food choices
- I highly enjoy exercise regularly
- I have an ongoing desire to eat healthy food
- I am completely passionate about working out and staying fit
- I am attaining and maintaining my ideal weight easily
- Every day I’m taking care of my body
- I am so happy and grateful now that I’m nourishing my body with healthy food
- Loving myself provides me a strong desire to eat only healthy food
- Being in great shape is easy and fun
- Life is great as I’m taking care of my body mind and soul
- I choose to eat only healthy foods that heal and nourish my body
Audio DetailsSubliminal Messages Subliminal messages are hidden positive affirmations that bypass your conscious resistance.
Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones belong to Brainwave Entrainment technology that presents the brain with sounds or light flashes that synchronize the brain waves with certain frequencies. The purpose of sound therapy is not creating thoughts or feelings, but to create the ideal state for the brain to absorb the subliminal messages.
Length 60 Minutes
File Details High Quality 320kbps MP3
Headphones Recommended
The soundtrack of this video is coded with powerful subliminal messages. For maximum results, download the original, uncompressed HQ file from our website only.
Why Pay For It If I Can Listen For Free Online?
No data loss of affirmations and frequencies
Uploading the files online goes through processing. This may result in data loss of subliminal affirmations and frequencies, which decreases the effectiveness of the recording. When you download from our website, you are guaranteed to get the full benefits of the tracks.
See the difference
For demonstration, let's take this image file. Before compressing, notice the clear details and vibrant colors in their finest quality. After the compression, the photo looks different than the original file. It loses many details that damage the overall quality.

Toggle to compress >>
Same for audio files
The healing frequencies, affirmations, and sounds are most beneficial straight from our studio and without any processing involved. Download the recording from our website to gain maximum results!
How Subliminal Messages Can Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
This Is How Subliminal Messages Are Designed to Get You Fast, Long Lasting Results In The Shortest Time Possible

Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones:
The QUICK, EASY, and EFFORTLESS Way to Attain Self-Healing

Here, at Vortex-Success, we use Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones, and pure frequencies. Binaural beats and Isochronic tones influence your state of mind, by influencing your brainwave frequency.
These technologies have been scientifically proven to be highly effective to help with anxieties, depressions, strengthen the immune system, open the chakra centers, improve sleep and induce deep relaxation, overcoming addictions, and more.
Simply listening to brain entrainment audios for 15 to 60 minutes can put you in the right state of mind to achieve anything you set your mind to achieve.
No need to change your daily schedule. No need to spend years becoming a master at meditation. All you need are these scientifically proven healing frequencies to start living the life you want.

Subliminal Weight Loss

6 Additional Reasons to Download From Our Website

Based On Scientific Research
A lot of thought is put into creating these life-changing programs. We keep up with the latest research to provide you the best results.

Paradigm Shifting Sessions
The revolutionary combination of subliminals with healing frequencies is the best tool to shift your subconscious conditioning.

No Internet Connection Needed
Save your smartphone data because you will not need to access Wi-Fi / Cellular data when listening to our recordings. Listen at your own comfort from any location you want.

Keep Forever
A download link will be sent to your email address. Download the files and keep them forever. Listen anywhere, anytime, offline and without using cellular data.

Fully enjoy ad-free audio. Easily change your brain without any disturbances or obstructions.

Secure Payments
We accept all major cards and PayPal. Our site is safe and secured with SSL certification.
Tracks with Subliminal Messages only | Tracks with Binaural Beats or Isochronic Tones |
Listening Time | Listening Time |
No Time Limit | Up to an hour |
When To Listen | When To Listen |
Anytime, day or night (never when in a moving vehicle) | At night time, while falling a sleep |
Headphones | Headphones |
Recommended for maximum results (not required) | Required for Binaural Beats. Recommended for Isochronic Tones |
Volume | Volume |
At a comfortable level | At a comfortable level |

Listening Time

When To Listen


Tracks with Subliminal Messages only | No Time Limit | Anytime, day or night (never when in a moving vehicle) | Recommended for maximum results (not required) | At a comfortable level |
Tracks with Binaural Beats or Isochronic Tones | Up to an hour | At night time, while falling a sleep | Required for Binaural Beats. Recommended for Isochronic Tones | At a comfortable level |
Submit your review | |
As a busy accountant, I never found the time to cook, so I ate outside at restaurants all the time. And I didn’t eat salads, I’ll tell you that. Your weight loss subliminal programs are working wonders. Not only did I force myself to cook healthy food, I became obsessed with it! I watch YouTube videos about plant- based diets and finding tasty and healthy recipes. I’m truly excited about the change I’m going through. My friends tell me I became a health freak, lol. As far for exercising, I work out on the weekends and love it. I lived by the lake for years and never went out for runs there, even though I saw lots of people doing that. It just came to me one day, shortly after listening to your audios. I said to myself, “why won’t you run by the lake”? I bought running shoes and absolutely love it I keep on challenging myself every time. You are changing my life, no kidding. Thanks a million!
I love both of your weight loss subliminals. The affirmations in both videos are accurate and exactly what I need. My wife and I listen to this on a nightly basis and it’s been a wonderful tool. We both have the motivation to cook at home instead of going out and eating processed food that’s packed with sodium. We eat more vegetables and so far we don’t feel like we’re giving up anything.
Wow, thanks you for releasing the ‘subliminal weight loss’! Even though this is a relatively new one, it’s been a true help. I was working out in the gym and was completely ineffective. The subliminal messages guided me to find better workouts at the gym that generated great success. I’m starting to see the definition lines, and that’s a first for me. I’m excited about it.
Start Moving Your Life Forward!
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